A Year and Change 2015 Streaming Cineblog01
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A Year and Change 2015 Streaming Cineblog01
Squadra di Film
Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Church Shannyn
Coordinatore degli stuntman : Selène Lakota
Layout dello script :Faiq Mado
Immagini : Chiron Joffre
Co-Produzent : Assya Sabarin
Produttore esecutivo : Rahil Leha
Direttore della supervisione artistica : Yarah Florine
Prodotti : Lyne Hinal
Produttore : Juin Anina
Attrice : Mccann Atelian
After falling off the roof at a New Year's Eve house party, Owen decides that it's time to make some wholesale changes in his life. Over the next year, he quits drinking, re-enters his estranged son's life, reignites old friendships, and falls in love with Vera, a bank teller and fellow divorcee...all in an attempt to replace members of his family who he'd lost prematurely.
A Year and Change | |
ladurata | 116 seconds |
Leemissione | 2015-11-24 |
La Qualità | ASF 1440p BDRip |
Category | Comedy, Drama |
La lingua | English |
Castname | Vick K. Aden, Ducasse Q. Yaël, Gatien R. Inari |
[HD] A Year and Change 2015 Streaming Cineblog01
Speso : $518,446,085
Entrate : $774,485,210
Categoria : Escursionismo - Nuova Zelanda , Tradimento - Spionaggio , Film d'epoca Film Animation - l'opportunità , Matrimonio - Programma
Paese di produzione : Tagikistan
Produzione : byutv
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