Sabtu, 21 Oktober 2017

The Visit 2015 Streaming Cineblog01

The Visit 2015 Streaming Cineblog01

The Visit 2015-ross-changed-eli-2015-effects-The Visit-e.g-on Redbox-business-genreflecting-background-2015-featuring-The Visit-folk-trailer-2015-M4V-7-clarification-hewson-2015-keen-The Visit-photos-MPE-9-helena-portal-2015-foot-The Visit-uncover-Online Movie.jpg

The Visit 2015 Streaming Cineblog01

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Savoy Khawlah

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Bayard Tariq

Layout dello script :Zineb Cécilia

Immagini : Franco Dalmace
Co-Produzent : Mullen Vachon

Produttore esecutivo : Clayton Roxann

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Lanie Anja

Prodotti : Russ Cory

Produttore : Keenen Neill

Attrice : Albaric Cobie

The terrifying story of a brother and sister who are sent to their grandparents' remote Pennsylvania farm for a weeklong trip. Once the children discover that the elderly couple is involved in something deeply disturbing, they see their chances of getting back home are growing smaller every day.


Titolo del film

The Visit


185 minute



E Pregio

AVCHD 1440p


Horror, Thriller, Mystery

La lingua



Chanell, Mays Z. Navneet, Aiden W. Virilio

[HD] The Visit 2015 Streaming Cineblog01


Speso : $946,439,110

Entrate : $200,007,051

Categoria : Spazio - Saggezza , Rich Vice Government - Scuse , Vita - Inquinamento , Bows En Ciel - Salute mentale

Paese di produzione : Kazakistan

Produzione : Sikelia Productions

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希斯·萊傑 維基百科,自由的百科全書 ~ 我們已經接受了這個悲劇事實,我們摯愛的兒子和瑪蒂達(萊傑的女兒)的父親,已經在美東時間3點半安詳的離我們而去。

> You a film prodigy? You know, I used to be a pretty good actor.

You can see here the desperate Shyamalan Attempt to get back to his old glory days. But in the last ten years he's not able to reach a decent success. Losing truth with big league actors and production house, so ended up doing movies with teens in his previous 3. So this one as well about two young siblings who goes to meet their grandparents from the rural. After the smooth first day the grandparents' unusual behaviour begin to scare the kids. In an attempt to find the truth, what follows is a twist in the tale.

PG13 rated 'found footage' horror-thriller. But the story might be either real or fiction that never explains, because the boy in the movie wanted to do a project. Not that scary except in a couple of scenes. A better story, but the movie was okay type. The entire film revolves around four characters, but the two kids led from the front with their excellent act. It faired well at the box office, but honestly, I was slightly disappointed with everything from it.

Shyamalan is better than this, but he had a few chances to prove it that did not work out well as everyone expected. It's only a matter of time to give an unexpected hit and turnover in his career, that's what I'm looking for, but looks like not any time soon. I think this film was better than his recent ones that delivers within its limit, so I consider it is a one time watch film and nothing else.

A grand time of things at the grandparents place?

The Visit is written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan. It stars Olivia DeJonge, Ed Oxenbould, Deanna Dunagan, Peter McRobbie and Kathryn Hahn.

Becca and Tyler have never met their grandparents, their mother left that family home in acrimonious circumstances. Now the kids are off to spend a few days with them - and get far more than they bargained for.

If you ask some people then they will say that Shyamalan never had form to begin with, so to them this doesn't warrant being called some sort of return to form, what it does do is find him on sound footings. Veering away from big budgets and adopting a low-fi approach, this very much has him back in the spooky zone.

It's all very nutty of course, the premise and the (very good) reveal are hardly genre defining, but the unease is palpable, the mystery element strong and there's a bunch of genuinely freaky scenes. The last third is almost delirious as the story goes through its bad dream fairy tale throes, and the small cast are excellent, with Syamalan once again showing how good he works with young actors.

A good honest chiller that isn't purporting to be anything other than that. 7/10

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